Application for Pre-DA Lodgement Advice

On this page you can apply for pre-lodgement advice for developments including Regionally Significant Development and development subject to  Clause 6.15 of Canterbury Bankstown Local Environmental Plan 2023  regarding Design Excellence.

Before you start - Some important information.

To assist in the development process you may wish to:

  • Obtain a s10.7 Planning Certificate from Council's Spatial Planning team (Click  here for details) ;

  • Familiarise yourself with any relevant State and/or  Council's policies, including the Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP); and,

  • Prepare a draft concept proposal for your development.  

After you’ve taken these three steps if you have any questions you can:

  • Speak to the Duty Planner for;

    • general enquiries;

    • informal Pre-DA advice if your proposal is complex or involves multiple stakeholders.

    • formal Pre-DA advice if your proposal requires determination by the Sydney South Planning Panel (SSPP).

    • information on presenting your proposal to the Design Review Panel.

Council's Duty Planner can be contacted on 97079000 between 9am-1pm Monday - Friday. Alternatively, you can discuss the above with the Duty Planner in person at Council's Customer Service Centre, Bankstown, between 10am-1pm on Thursdays and Fridays.

Part 1: Development Details

Applicant (Who should Council provide advice to?)

Development Site (What site do you want to develop?)

Part 2: Required Information

Part 2A: Pre-DA Advice

Any applications for a Formal Pre-DA (paid service) must be accompanied by all relevant information as per Council's Application Lodgement Guide. 

Lodgement Guide.

Required Information

To submit the documents, please use a file sharing service (eg. Dropbox, One Drive, Google Drive) and provide the link and access code, if applicable, in the box below

Determination by the SSPP is required for development with a certain Estimated Development Cost (EDC) and, if the development is listed in  Schedule 6 State Environmental Planning Policy (Planning Systems) 2021.

Part 2B: Pre-DA Advice from Council’s Design Review Panel

The Applicant should provide a briefing package that contains information adequate to the development scale and significance to enable the panel to comprehensively review the design and offer context-specific design guidance.

The Applicant should provide the Panel with a brief presentation that covers the key issues and with a 3D model showing the development's built form and its surroundings and context.

In the event the briefing package is insufficient, Council may request additional information to be presented by the Applicant prior to referring the development to the DRP.

Incomplete submissions will not be referred to the DRP.

More information about the briefing package requirements  here.

Part 3: Fees


Design Review Panel (DRP)

Please note : fees are as per Council's annual  fee schedule, and are subject to change in subsequent financial years.

Part 4: Declaration

Declaration (You understand that)

  • The information I’ve provided is true and accurate.

  • I have not withheld relevant information.

  • Council's response is not legal advice.

  • Council's response will be considered as part of its assessment of any subsequent application.

  • It will take several weeks for Council to provide its response.

  • Any advice Council offers is conceptual and does not constitute the totality of its views or assessment of issues for any subsequent application.

  • After providing its advice, Council will only consider amended plans and/or issue “follow up” or secondary advice at its own discretion and reserves the right not to engage after issuing its advice.

  • The role of the Design Review Panel is advisory only. Recommendations or comments provided by the Panel will inform the development assessment process but will not bind the consent authority.

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