Bankstown Arts Centre Application for Casual Hire

Bankstown Arts Centre is a cultural facility, where artists and community groups collaborate to explore ideas and learn, create and experience contemporary community-based arts. Programs which focus on the following will be given priority: 

Facilitating community learning and experience of the arts through music, film, visual arts, theatre, dance, literature and new media; 

  • Support for professional arts development; 

  • Build capacity of semi-professional and hobbyist arts groups; and 

  • Support for emerging artists community cultural development programs and projects. 

If you have any questions or would like to view the Centre, please contact our Venue Coordinator on 9707 5400 or

1. Applicant's details

2. Proposed site location

For 360 degree views of the venues and venue information please click here.

Please be advised that foyer hire and a Venue Supervisor is required when hiring the Theatre or Rehearsal Room 2 for bookings with more than 30 attendees. This is due to health and safety reason as outlined in the National Construction Code for the provision of sanitary and other facilities.

If alcohol is intending to be consumed and/or sold and/or there are crowd control requirements (E.g. 100 and above attendees), a security guard must be engaged to support the venue supervisor, at the additional cost of the hirer.

3. Hire details



4. Security

If Bankstown Arts Centre determines your proposed function is of a high-risk nature, and for all after hours/weekend Foyer hire, it will becompulsory for you to hire Security or a Duty Officer, arranged by the Council at full recovery cost from the Hirer prior to, during and after the event/function. 

To determine whether your function is considered high-risk, contact Bankstown Arts Centre on 9707 5400. 

If Bankstown Arts Centre deems your event as requiring additional security to the arrangements you have made, please be aware that the cost of this may be added to your hire fee.

5. Food and beverages

If alcohol is sold on the premise OR alcohol is to be consumed on the premise, a Liquor Licence application must be completed and submitted to your nearest police station. Please foward a copy of the licence to Council at least 10 days before the function.

6. Community Groups

Community groups seeking the community rate must provide documentation that proves an organisation’s not-for–profit status and how the event/function will benefit the community of Canterbury-Bankstown.


Please also send:


7. Insurance

Please attach a copy of your Certificate of Currency.

Hirers must provide Council with a minimum of $20 million Public Liability Insurance cover.

This policy MUST name the City of Canterbury Bankstown as an interested party.

Tax invoices of summary sheets WILL NOT be accepted.


8. Bond

Please identify to whom the refund of any fees and/or bonds should be made out to

The organisation/group/individual agrees with the City of Canterbury Bankstown to use the facility and the key/swipe card to that facility on the following terms: 

  • To abide by the Terms and Conditions applying to the use of the Bankstown Arts Centre; 

  • To use the hired area only for the agreed time and purpose specified on the application; 

  • To leave the hired area, on each occasion of use, in a clean and tidy state;

  • To lock all windows and doors upon exit; 

  • To report any damage to Council immediately; 

  • Please note that copies of the key can only be made by Council and Council has the right to refuse a booking without the necessity to give reason; 

  • A Casual Hirer means any person or group of persons (not being a sporting body, club, association, corporation or incorporated body), who hires a Council facility for either commercial or non-profit purposes less frequently than 12 times per calendar year; and 

  • I, the Hirer, have read, understood, and agree to abide by the City of Canterbury Bankstown's Terms and Conditions for the hire of Bankstown Arts Centre. I agree to be fully responsible for the payment of fees.

Bankstown Arts Centre Indemnity and Release Form


(Name of hirer) (hereafter known as ‘the Hirer’) agrees to indemnify Council from and against all actions, claims, costs, losses, expenses and damages (including the costs of defending or settling any action or claim) in respect of: 

Loss of, loss of use of, or damage to property of the Hirer; or 

Personal injury (including death) or illness to any person or loss of, loss of use of, or damage to any property; resulting from, or by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the Hirer arising at the Bankstown Arts Centre. 

The Hirer’s liability to indemnify Council is reduced proportionally to the extent that a negligent act or omission of Council or its employees has contributed to the injury, damage or loss. 


The Hirer unconditionally releases Council from all claims, suits, demands, actions or proceedings (whether at law, in equity or arising under any statute) arising out of or in connection with an act, default or omission of the Hirer or any of the Hirer’s agents. 

The Hirer agrees not to sue or make any claim or demand against Council, in respect of matters covered by this release. 

I declare the information supplied by me on this form is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Privacy Statement


Draw signature|Type signatureClear

Terms and Conditions for the hire of Bankstown Arts Centre


We aim to provide clean, quality, affordable facilities for community use. We appreciate your assistance in providing these facilities to the community. Penalties for breaching any of these conditions of hire can include fines or immediate cancellation of hire. 

The Hirer must: 

  • Be over 18 years of age to book the facility and sign the Application Form;

  • Understand that no booking is confirmed until full payment has been made; 

  • State precisely the type of activity to take place in the facility and any set up involved, i.e. signs on walls; 

  • Under no circumstances enter any area/s other than the section hired; 

  • Foyer hire and a Venue Supervisor is required when hiring the Theatre or Rehearsal Room 2 for bookings with more than 30 attendees. 

  • Only be in the facility during times stated in your application. Any additional time will be charged to the Hirer; 

  • If alcohol is intending to be consumed and/or sold and/or there are crowd control requirements (E.g. 100 and above attendees), a security guard must be engaged to support the venue supervisor, at the additional cost of the hirer.

  • Provide proposal for approval and risk assessment for any outdoor activity; 

  • Notify police immediately if there is any threat of trouble; 

  • Report any accidents or near accidents to Bankstown Arts Centre staff upon return of your key or as soon as possible; 

  • Ensure the area is clean and all windows and doors are locked when leaving; 

  • Ensure all Council buildings and surrounding areas are smoke-free zones;

  • Arrange a person to assume responsibility on behalf of the Hirer in their absence; 

  • Ensure all appliances, air conditioning, lights and fans are turned off when leaving the premises; 

  • No pets or animals are to be on the premises; 

  • Council facilities are not available for overnight hire. Sleeping or staying overnight on the premises is not permitted; 

  • All cancellations are to be made in writing. Please contact the Venue Coordinator for information on fees for cancellations; 

  • Helium balloons are not permitted at the facility. Smoke machines are not allowed 

  • Only trained Council Officers are allowed to operate the Acromat Seating in the Theatre; and 

  • Throwing of confetti, glitter, sprays, poppers or rice is not permitted. A charge will be deducted from the Hirers bond, or added to their invoice, if such items need to be removed from the facility.


The facility must be left clean and ready for the next user or a cleaning fee will be deducting from your bond. The Hirer must: 

  • Supply own garbage bags, cutlery, crockery and cleaning materials; 

  • Sweep the floor. Any spills are to be mopped with warm water only; 

  • Wipe down all benches, tables, chairs and fridge (if applicable); 

  • Dispose of rubbish correctly into outside bins before leaving. Rubbish is not to be dumped on the ground near the bins. Recycle if possible; 

  • Ensure the toilets are left in a clean manner; 

  • Safely stack all tables and chairs. All furniture should be accounted for; 

  • Ensure that the outside area, including the car park is free of litter; 

  • Remove waste from indoor bins and place in the outdoor bins in the staff carpark; 

  • Report if the facility was not found in a clean and tidy state; and 

  • Ensure that no food or drink is left on the premises (especially in the refrigerator, if applicable). 

Noise impact on surrounding residents 

The Hirer is responsible for the preservation of good order during and following the hire of the facility. 

  • Vehicles should not obstruct access to driveways or restrict parking in the street; 

  • Hirers must meet the requirements of the Noise Pollution Act; and 

  • All music and noise levels must be kept at an acceptable level.


The bond is held as a deposit against possible damage of the community hall, centre and meeting rooms, its furniture and fittings, including fire and electrical services. Reasons that all, or part of the bond may be retained include: the function running overtime; smoking in the facility; or additional cleaning being required. The Hirer is required to provide photographic evidence to support claims the facility was in an unsatisfactory condition prior to their hire. Provided that all Terms and Conditions of hire are adhered to, the bond will be returned approximately three (3) weeks after the function. Should Council be investigating concerns arising from your booking, you will be notified accordingly.


Keys and/or swipe cards are to be collected by the Hirer on the working day before your function, from Bankstown Arts Centre, 5 Olympic Parade Bankstown. If the key is not collected, access may not be possible, or the Hirer will be charged all resulting fees, including an after-hours callout fee. It is illegal to make a duplicate copy of the key issued or change existing locks.

Personal property/storage

All items brought in by the Hirer must be removed from the premises no later than the time specified on the hiring agreement. Hirers are responsible for the care and control of their own property and personal effects. Loss or damage of such items is not covered by Council’s insurance policy.


Casual Hire - full hire fee and bond must be paid before any booking is accepted. 

Late application fee applies for application received less than 48 hours (business hours) notice. 

Cancellation Fee for Casual hirers – within 10 days of the function – 50% of total hire fee

Cancellation Fee for Casual hirers – within 48 hours of the function – Full hire fee

Please contact the Venue Coordinator for more information on additional fees.

Special terms

  • Council has the right to set out special conditions and hire fees for functions not covered in the current fees andcharges. 

  • No game of chance, gambling or any other kind of illegal activities are permitted inside Council facilities. 

  • If alcohol is sold at the venue, a Liquor Licence must be obtained from the Police, with a copy supplied to Council. 

  • Bankstown Arts Centre permission must be sought for the selling of goods. 

  • It is the responsibility of the Hirer to have first aid supplies available at all times. 

  • Council approval must be sought to: 

    • Sublease the facility; 

    • Advertise or promote community material; and 

    • Charge an entry fee. 

  • Council reserves the right to refuse any booking and to cancel a booking already made for whatever reason. With such cancellations, Council will refund the Hirer any monies paid. The Council will not be liable for any loss, injury or damage or otherwise, of the exercise of any right stated under this agreement, including the right of cancellation. 

  • Council halls, centres and meeting rooms are hired under the condition that the person(s) whose signature appears on the application form, accepts and agrees to abide by the above prescribed Terms and Conditions.