Application to Hire Facility

Please enter details below to submit a request and one of our team will be in contact within 2 business days.

Please note - this is an application for hire and does not constitute a booking.
Bookings are not confirmed until a confirmation letter is issued to the hirer by Council.

Estimated Number & Age of Attendees

60 students - maximum number per session

Tents/ Marquees

All tents/marquess must be weighted. Guide ropes or pegs are not permitted.

Please attach a diagram.
If you selected yes above, a risk assessment is required.

First Aid and CPR

Please attach a copy of the First Aid/CPR Representative's HLTAID011 Provide First Aid and HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Certificates. These qualifications must be valid for date of event and certificate holder/s must be present at the facility on date of hire for the duration of the hire period.



The hirer must provide Council with Public Liability Insurance with a minimum cover of $20,000,000 and this policy must name the City of Canterbury Bankstown as an interested party. A current certificate of currency must be forwarded with this application. Please attach a copy of the one page Certificate of Currency of your Public Liability Insurance Policy.


Risk Management Plan

The hirer must provide a detailed risk management plan outlining how they will manage risk in an aquatic environment. This is separate to Council's Aquatic Operations Manual and must be inline with Royal Life Saving Australia's guidelines of operation.


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