Brand Merchandise Order Form

Requesting Officer

Enter the email address carefully in the following format -

Approved By

Identify the Manager/Supervisor who has approved this order.

Enter the email address carefully in the following format -

Single-Use Plastics Policy

In June 2022, the Single-Use Plastics Policy and supporting Plastics Action Plan was endorsed. When it comes to merchandise orders, we have a corporate social responsibility to ensure what we distribute does not create unnecessary burdens on our environment and, in turn, damage our CB City brand through poor-quality, unwanted or limited-usability items. 

To encourage staff to more carefully consider the intended purpose and associated environmental impact of merchandise orders, please reflect and answer these questions to support your order. 

View the Single-Use Plastics Policy >>

Watch the video of how to use the hierarchy >>

Image title

Do all order items meet the objectives of the Single-Use Plastic Policy? (prohibited items include plastic bottled water, plastic decorations like balloons and plastic-based reusable bags).

Have you worked through the Hierarchy (see image) to assess if the item can be avoided, replaced with a non-plastic based alternative and reduced in quantity by rethinking the method of distribution?

What value do the items add to the success of the project or event?

Will the items really be used again and again or are they a short-term gimmick?

Do the items positively promote the CB City brand in a responsible way?

Are we being responsible community leaders by ordering and distributing this item?

Order Details

How to order:

Ordering is easy. Simply follow the steps below.

  1. Visit  Cubic Promote's online catalogue;

  2. Search for the item(s) you would like to purchase;

  3. Enter the required details into the form fields belows, including:
    • name of the item;
    • link to the page in Cubic Promote's catalogue;
    • quantity required; and
    • any additional notes specific to the item, including colour, size etc;

  4. Use the "Add more merchandise" button to add more rows to your order;

  5. Enter the date that you need the merchandise and the location it needs to be delivered to.

When you submit the form, you will be emailed a summary of your order. It's that easy!

Enter items to be ordered in the fields below

Include information specific to the item, including base colour, graphic colour, size etc

Finance Details

Do you have any merchandising questions? 

For any merchandising enquiries please contact Julie Hayes on Ext: 9559.